Welcome to my blog. Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I share life, creating and recipes with you.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summer musings

 Hello all!

Time keeps speeding along, and it is hard to believe that my last post was January 3rd.

I wish blogging was as much a part of things as it used to be.  We had so much fun back in the 'ole' days of blogging.  We shared stories, heart aches, recipes and crafty things. Now it seems nearly everyone jumps to FB or Instagram (or even perhaps some of the new social media outlets I know nothing about).  More and more those avenues leave me feeling disconnected, and so I rarely visit, except to sell my handmade goodies.

Life at our little piece of heaven is always busy.  Grandkiddos are getting big, garden is growing like crazy and the lawn NEVER stops growing.  We've been boating nearly every weekend, weather permitting, and enjoying that uninterrupted time with family.  Last weekend we went to an estate sale, and I finally got my much coveted Antique Stepback cupboard...I will snap a photo when I get it all filled and share at a later time.

In the meantime, I will just share some Summer-time photos....

Grant celebrating July 4th

Snoopy enjoying a leisurely afternoon on the boat

My reason for living....these wonderful grandkiddos.  This was taken on a hike we all went on.

Another snapshot of the 5 oldest at the Auburn Doubledays baseball game we take them to each year.

Hiking.  It took this same shot oh so many years ago of our two boys.

Pool fun

My morning glories have really outdone themselves this year.

The corn is getting high in the farmer's field next to us....Grant and Elena decided to have a little fun.

Well friends, I'm nursing a sore foot from an little accident I had, but still need to get some things done, so I am off and hobbling.  Hope you are all well....I will try to visit again soon, but in the meantime, I sure would love to hear from you!

"How great the goodness He has stored up for those who honor and obey him"

Psalm 31:19

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A New Year!

Good morning friends!

It has certainly been a long time since I have checked in with you all.  I hope the New Year is finding you happy and healthy.  

I am sitting here in our office, creating a To-Do list for the coming months, and trying to refocus my creative energies.  I've got lots of new patterns I want to try; home improvement projects I want to accomplish; and new techniques I want to learn.  I think as a creative person, I need to constantly challenge myself with new ideas, and as a home owner, much to my hubby's dismay, I am always thinking of ways to improve our 1830 colonial home.  I am looking forward to tackling more of those projects this year.

I've also decided that a calorie counting and exercise routine is in order.  During the Spring, Summer and Fall, I don't usually have a problem, as I am constantly busy in the yard, and most days walk about 3 miles or more back and forth puttering in the yard and gardens.  Winter is a bad time, so I am determined that this Winter will not get the best of me!

Our grandchildren are growing by leaps and bounds....spending time with them makes me so happy!  Below is our annual Christmas photo on our stairs.

Peter turned 11 on Dec. 21; Allie turns 11 in March; Joey is 8; Elena is 7; Todd is 6 and Grant & Nicholas are 3.

What are your plans/resolutions for the New Year?  I've love to hear from you!

Wishing you all a blessed 2024!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

September musings

 It seems the older I get, the faster time seems to go...do you feel that way too?  I recall when I have a kid, running around all Summer, the days were long and full of fun.  Now, I can't seem to find enough time to do all the things on my list.  But, alas, I do manage to plug along and at least get to the important things.  

This Summer has been more wet than dry.  Most of August was a washout, which was quite disappointing after spending nearly two weeks on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, enjoying the heat and sun.   The grass has simply not stopped growing all Summer long...we usually get a hot, dry spell, when it slows down and we don't have to mow every 5 days, but oh no, not this year, and for the first time in as long as I can remember, I am so tired of mowing and trimming!  The rain has been good for the garden, and it has been nice not to have to drag the hose around the water all the time....so pros and cons....I can't complain about the Summer.  We had a nice vacation, we got to take the kids and grandkids out on the boat many times, and we have all been safe, happy and healthy!

 I've been quilting and crafting away in between it all, and am excited to begin Fall and Winter goodies.  They are my favorite seasons to create for.  Here are a couple of the quilts I recently finished.

Since my last post in April, the Mister has had a pacemaker put in.  It was a stressful time with all the testing to figure out what his heart issues were all about, but since May, he has been feeling great.

July, as I mentioned, was our vacation month.  We took our two oldest grandsons with us to the Outer Banks, along with our oldest son and his family.  Oh, it was a wonderful trip and such fun to see the cousins enjoying spending all that time together.

 The Great Dismal Swamp park

Lighthouse, Wright Brothers and Aquarium

Roadside Oddities (special request from Peter)

Antiquing on the way and met Bert..lol

Peter & Joey being goofy in the car

Hubby and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on August 13th.  The kids got together and arranged for us to have a weekend away.  They bought Yankees tickets, arranged for a hotel, etc.  That is this weekend, so here's hoping the weather is great and the Yankees win!

Boating on Labor Day


We've off to an open house at Ledyard Farms Morgan horse farm tonight.  They do this event annually, and show off their horses, do hay rides, and put on a huge shindig with all the food and drinks you can consume...it's a great time!  I will try to post pics soon.  We're off and running.  Please comment below and let me know how your Summer has been.  Miss you all!

Photo from last night before rain came through to put a damper on a beautiful evening.


Monday, April 17, 2023

Lemon-Berry Summer Dessert - No Bake!

 Good afternoon friends - Yes, it has been some time since I really sat down to chat with you all.  Life gets in the way many times of what we would wish to do, but today, after a long, hot week, we are back to cooler temps and cloudy skies, so I am catching up with a few things inside.

Once the weather gets nice, I am often outside working in my yard and gardens, pulling the weeds that seemed to grow, despite winter cold, and raking away the leaves from the oak tree, which never fall until winter.  I'm planning new garden projects, cleaning the chicken coop, clearing brush and browsing seed catalogs for Memorial Day planting.

Hubby has had some heart issues since the beginning of the year...lots of tests, monitors and appointments, and we still are not certain if he will be needing a pace maker.  Please pray for him and for his doctors.  Most of the time, he is feeling fine, so I do thank God for that, but we do need to get to the bottom of his issues.

I had three of our grandsons for most of last week.  The weather was hot and lovely.  We visited the zoo, played outside, planted potatoes and few flower seeds, went on a hike with their other cousins and our final outing on Friday was mini-golf and ice cream.  Saturday, we had our lovely friends, Paul & Eileen over.  We took another hike with them, went to a local yummy bbq place, and then came back to our house to sit on the patio and bask in the warmth.  I had made a tasty little treat for our dessert, and I would like to share the recipe with you now!  I did tweak the recipe that I found on Pinterest, based on what I had, and it still turned out very delicious.

No-bake Lemon Berry Dessert

For the crust:

2 c crushed graham crackers

4 T sugar

1 stick of butter, melted

Mix these ingredients and press into a pie plate or 9x9 pan. Reserve a little for decoration. You could also use a prepared graham crust in a pinch.

For the filling:

1 8 oz. pkg of cream cheese

3/4 c sugar

1/3 c or more of fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 c milk

1 box instant lemon pudding mix

Mix cream cheese and sugar, beating until creamy and smooth.  Add the lemon juice and milk, beat til blended, then add the dry pudding mix.  Mixture will thicken up quick quickly.  Pour this into the pie crust.  Chill for one hour.

Berry Topping

Use your choice of blueberry pie filling or make your own, as I had to do.

I had some fresh blueberries and frozen mulberries.  I measured out about 2 cups berries, added 1/3 c water and 2 T cornstarch, stirring over medium heat until thick and bubbly.  Let cool completely, then top the lemon filling, spreading to the edges.

Next, top with 2-3 c. freshly whipped cream or 2-3 c. of cool whip, if you are in a hurry.

Sprinkle on the remaining graham cracker crumbs and chill for another 2 hours.

This recipe went together very quickly and was enjoyed by all! 


Some recipes I found while browsing no-bake desserts, included double the cream cheese, but I really think that would be too much, and since I had only one brick of cream cheese, I used just one and it was very delicious!



Wednesday, March 15, 2023

More Spring Offerings

$14 for the set.


#1 is available - #2 is Sold


It's Chick Days - Grab yours today!

 More Spring Creations!

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