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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Summer musings

 Hello all!

Time keeps speeding along, and it is hard to believe that my last post was January 3rd.

I wish blogging was as much a part of things as it used to be.  We had so much fun back in the 'ole' days of blogging.  We shared stories, heart aches, recipes and crafty things. Now it seems nearly everyone jumps to FB or Instagram (or even perhaps some of the new social media outlets I know nothing about).  More and more those avenues leave me feeling disconnected, and so I rarely visit, except to sell my handmade goodies.

Life at our little piece of heaven is always busy.  Grandkiddos are getting big, garden is growing like crazy and the lawn NEVER stops growing.  We've been boating nearly every weekend, weather permitting, and enjoying that uninterrupted time with family.  Last weekend we went to an estate sale, and I finally got my much coveted Antique Stepback cupboard...I will snap a photo when I get it all filled and share at a later time.

In the meantime, I will just share some Summer-time photos....

Grant celebrating July 4th

Snoopy enjoying a leisurely afternoon on the boat

My reason for living....these wonderful grandkiddos.  This was taken on a hike we all went on.

Another snapshot of the 5 oldest at the Auburn Doubledays baseball game we take them to each year.

Hiking.  It took this same shot oh so many years ago of our two boys.

Pool fun

My morning glories have really outdone themselves this year.

The corn is getting high in the farmer's field next to us....Grant and Elena decided to have a little fun.

Well friends, I'm nursing a sore foot from an little accident I had, but still need to get some things done, so I am off and hobbling.  Hope you are all well....I will try to visit again soon, but in the meantime, I sure would love to hear from you!

"How great the goodness He has stored up for those who honor and obey him"

Psalm 31:19


  1. It was so very good to see a comment on my post from you - thank you so much for the kind thoughts and wishes. And, equally good to see a post pop up from you. I do empathize with your thought on the shrinking of the blogging universe - and the invasion of other social media venues. They are so superficial to my way of thinking. I enjoyed seeing the photos of your wonderful "littles"... They've grown so much! You are blessed indeed. Your morning glories are, well, glorious! Yours are way ahead of mine (as is the corn there!) and I love the multi-colored glooms. Mine are all deep purple and I saw my first bloom only a few days ago. Can't wait to see your new cupboard! Lucky you! ~Robin~ (Please keep blogging!!).

  2. Just found your blog - followed a comment you made on Robin's Cranky Crow blog. I love your family photos and reading about the trips and outings you go on - your lake looks amazing! We have a pontoon boat but don't get to use it much. Maybe next summer. Love your primitive offerings and will be visiting your Etsy shop! Jan in MA

    1. Welcome Jan! Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to getting to know you.


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